
10 days of prayer Nairobi Central SDA Church

10 Days of Prayer: January 5–15, 2022

this is Theme: The Three Angels Call to Prayer “Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell…

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Have you ever forgotten something? This question is obviously rhetorical because it is impossible for you to have never forgotten something. A more pertinent question would be, how often do you forget important things? To be more precise, how often do you forget what God has done for you in the past? A man named…

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What was he like?

It’s a dusty summer afternoon in Palestine. The heat is the last thing a young couple worries about as they watch their soft-spoken benign son arrange His things as He prepares to leave for a prayer meeting. He knows they are watching Him, and He glances there from time to time with a radiant smile…

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The Wicked Righteous

There is a difference between the righteous and the wicked. We often pride ourselves in having the ability to see this demarcation, but nothing is further from the truth. The Bible is replete with ‘righteous misfits’: people who were written off as ‘unsavable’, even to the heathen, yet prevailed with God. At the head of…

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Rejoice in difficult transitions

When people go through transitions in life that cause discomfort it is frequently common to hear words of distress and displeasure. If we mention the feelings that are involved during hard transitions the least we can say is that it doesn’t feel nice. Oh, how at these moments the typical mind craves for relief! This…

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A Little Effort and a Lot of Faith

You have been given a chance to switch bodies and live someone else’s life for a day. Who would you go pick? Someone famous? Or perhaps someone rich? Or someone really good looking? Whatever you go for, it would probably be someone who you imagine has it easier than you, right? How many people would…

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On Monday, 5th of October, the spotlight was on teachers; from social media posts to feature stories of those who have gone beyond the call of duty. Interestingly, despite the fact that I am a teacher’s child, I did not give precedence to this day. If you ask why, the answer may not be satisfactory.…

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How are you Pastor?

Some of my earliest memories of Church date back to the ’80s. At that time the church program was designed like a sandwich: First service, Sabbath school, Second service. This was before the big sanctuary was built. Due to limited space, we had two congregations that would converge during Sabbath school. Then we had one…

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“Believe in God and His Prophets”- Camp Meeting 2020

Our camp meeting season has approached from 8th-15th August 2020. Sometimes it is not easy to engage in a mission whose theme, objective and moral is unclear. The Theme for this year is “Believe in God and His Prophets” During the Jewish nation sojourn in the wilderness, God gave them seven instructive feasts, which pointed…

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CARE Programme

‘Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.’ (James 1:27, NKJV)   Economies the world over have been ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown and social distancing measures have resulted in massive pay cuts and…

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